Do I have to Notify Additional Agencies?

Referrals & Notifications - Does this apply to me?

Depending on where your property is located in town may require you to notify other jurisdictional agencies that you are proposing a certain type of activity. Generally these notifications are of no or little cost to the applicant and are procedural based. 

Refer to the Guide to Land Use Referral Requirements to understand the process and types of referrals and notifications.

Property Location Notify WhomForm to Use
Shenipsit Lake Watershed AreaCT Water Company CT Water Notification Form
State Aquifer Protection AreaTolland Water CommissionRefer above to the Land Use Referal Requirements

If you are required to notify:


CT Water Company & Tolland Water Commission

CT Department of Public HealthWatershed or Aquifer Area Project Notification Form

How do I know if my property is located in a notification area?

In the table above click on each designated 'Area' under 'Property Location' then locate your property. 

When applying for a wetland permit the typical process time can vary depending if the applicant is seeking approval from Tolland's Wetland Commission or directly from the Wetlands Agent. For more information on the permit process click here.

Permit Application

Wetland Permit Application   

Wetland Permit Application (Fillable PDF Form - must open in Adobe to digitally sign)

Land Use Fees

Effective September 9, 2017 refer to the land use permit fee schedule for the Town of Tolland.